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The Last Drive-In: July 2018 Marathon

The Last Drive-In: July 2018 Marathon

The World’s Foremost Drive-in Movie Critic – actually he’s pretty much the world’s only Drive-in Critic – Joe Bob Briggs brings his iconic swagger to Shudder. Across 13 movies, this firebrand of horror and drive-in cinema offers honest appreciation, hilarious insight, inside stories and of course, the Drive-in totals.

Member Reviews

bring back more old Joe Bob...thats why i subscribe...long live the drive in...

1 week ago

These comments are right. They are pretty much the only reason I subscribe now. Please bring back and bring as much TLDR as possible please!!

1 week ago

some idiot below commented you can "restore" these episodes on patreon for $35? no,thats a lie, the patreon for the lost drive in is great but its for monstervision and pre mv job bob. i pay 7 canadian a month and get all the clips and movies

3 weeks ago

Some of us never had the chance to watch the original marathon. Seems like movies are only being removed and not brought back. I can understand cycling licensing which is what every subscriber service does. Shudder however removes movies and never brings them back. Bring back as much JOE BOB AS POSSIBLE. We will watch it. He’s the main reason I subscribe. It’s a tragedy to miss any TLDI episodes. BRING THEM BACK SHUDDER! SOMETIMES THEY SHOULD COME BACK;)

4 weeks ago

you all know you can request movies to be added to shudder...add the last drive in flicks....on the support page

1 month ago