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Joe Bob's Halloween Hootenanny

Joe Bob's Halloween Hootenanny

Joe Bob and Darcy return to THE LAST DRIVE-IN to celebrate the holy month of October in style: with a triple-feature so on-brand for the season that it'll turn your hair (and your Captain Kirk mask) white.

Member Reviews

So Rachel found a cheat code and it’s play dead on Mike, and he won’t touch you at all. She could drive manual but she couldn’t change gears on Brady. The opening scene is the best by far.

3 months ago

I agree with Darcy. I enjoyed Halloween III: Season Of The Witch.

3 months ago

loved watching the halloween films, thanks joe bob!

6 months ago

Love Joe Bob & Darcy this is one of my favorite episodes. Just wish they would’ve gotten Danielle Harris to appear.

6 months ago

He gives so much insight, I love it. I'm pretty sure half the extra stories he says are 85% true but, about the movie, he's pretty on point. He recycled some of this stuff for AMC's movie night but that's much can you add to something that's been talked to death. But it's still great. I'd love it if he did the Halloween 6's and Halloween 3 finally but that's just not meant to be I guess.

8 months ago