Deadhouse Dark
In six interconnected short tales of terror, a woman receives a ‘mystery box’ from the dark web. Each item within will gradually reveal a dark and troubling truth. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL SERIES.
Member Reviews
I don't think they really made much of a connection between the stories, but I really enjoyed watching these, they're very creepy and they're similar to black mirror.
just watch the vhs movies instead theres no real connetion between them like these stories "have" but at least with vhs you understand what you are watching
Not scary. Should have left their ‘special effects’ in the trash can they came from. Just meh.
This was bizarre, but not in a good way. It was understandable WHAT was happening in each episode, but there was zero explanation WHY these things were happening. It was all just chaos.
I wanted to like this more than I actually did... I thought 1 / 2 /4 were ok overall and the others had a few good moments, but everything lacked the connectivity the series promised.