Channel Zero
A spine-chilling horror anthology series, CHANNEL ZERO devotes each season to telling a new terrifying story. Each seasonal installment is based on a different "creepypasta," a popular user-generated online horror story.
Member Reviews
I absolutely loved every season of Channel Zero. Obviously they each have their own pro's and con's, and I enjoyed some seasons more than others, I still had a blast with each season. If I had to pick a favorite I would have to say Butcher's Block was my favorite. Because of this series, Nick Antosca has been added to my list of others, like Mike Flanagan, that I will absolutely keep track of and check out whatever he makes next.
Great first season. Binge watched it in an afternoon. The ending upset me a bit, but I understand why they did it.
Season one is very good, but a little bit slow at times. Season two is in my opinion better, and may be one of my favourite seasons of any show I have ever watched. The atmosphere, the music, the cinematography, the writing were all great. Most of it wasn't that scary in a traditional sense (although there were some moments I just about jumped out of my skin), more in an existential sense. Highly recommend the whole show, it's such a shame there aren't more seasons.
I dug it, all the seasons are good, they each have their strengths and weaknesses but overall it's a great series. Wish there were more seasons.
Love this series. I grew up watching The Twilight Zone and this show reminds me of an up to date version.