Directed by Lars Damoiseaux
When a young couple travels to a shady hospital for cosmetic surgery, the boyfriend stumbles upon a patient suffering from an experimental rejuvenation treatment. He frees her, but doesn't realize she’s ground zero for an outbreak which will change the doctors, patients, and his mother-in-law into bloodthirsty, utterly outrageous zombies. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.
In a shady clinic, a young couple unleash hordes of splattery undead.
Cast: Maaike Neuville, Bart Hollanders, Benjamin Ramon
Member Reviews
Great zombie flick, cool gore , funny moments.
Can't go 5 stars, but man this was FUN! And to all the people labeling it "misogynistic", you're really reaching. It's not at all. Not even a little. And one scene in particular proves it. Watch this, it's worth it!
not the best but nit the worst zombie movie, it was a decent watch.
Decent movie, nothing that changes the genre but does have some really solid parts to it!
All the people reviewing this movie and claiming it is “misogynist” need to calm their tits and go out and touch the grass. These are also probably the same people who are keeping silent while women and children are being indiscriminately wiped out in a fictional state. If you aren’t then well your voice is better served elsewhere and not here at some horror movie review. Because I am not sure if we watched the same movie, but every character in this movie is equally stupid vapid and annoying. Also they literally burned a guy’s wiener off, how is that misogynistic? Should I take offence and say they are ‘men-haters” with wiener envy? If anything it is probably more of a gory and satirical take on the plastic surgery industry than anything else. Let me repeat, all genders were equally stupid and annoying in the movie, both equally vapid and superficial, and all deserved what they got in the movie! It’s not even real people, it’s a movie about zombies. This gets 4 and half skulls for annoying the crazies.