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Whistle and I'll Come to You

Whistle and I'll Come to You

Directed by Jonathan Miller

Michael Hordern stars in Jonathan Miller's adaptation of O Whistle and I'll Come To You, the famous ghost story by MR James.

Adaptation of O Whistle and I'll Come To You.

Cast: Michael Hordern, Freda Dowie

Member Reviews

Best eating scenes ever

1 day ago


4 days ago

Good but slow still love the atmosphere and setting of everything it really fits the story well.

4 days ago

Seems so simple, but it lingers.

5 days ago

Definitely watch the Woodland Deep folk horror documentary! This was mentioned as a piece of that and having that context and history is very helpful!! Stuff like this is why I so happily subscribe to Shudder. There are flowers in the swamp.

6 days ago