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When Evil Lurks

When Evil Lurks

Directed by Demián Rugna

When brothers Pedro and Jimmy discover that a demonic infection has been festering in a nearby farmhouse, they attempt to evict the victim from their land. Failing to adhere to the proper rites of exorcism, their reckless actions trigger an epidemic of possessions across their rural community. Now they must outrun an encroaching evil as it corrupts and mutilates everyone it is exposed to, and enlist the aid of a wizened “cleaner,” who holds the only tools that can stop this supernatural plague.

Two brothers trigger an epidemic of demonic possession in the must-see horror film of 2023.

Cast: Ezequiel Rodríguez, Demián Salomón, Silvina Sabater

Member Reviews

Dark, twisted, nihilistic, and the absolute best practical effects in the business. An unstoppable machine pulsing like an open wound toward its inescapable conclusion, taking no prisoners along the way. Unforeseen clever plot twists mixed with absolutely INSANE death sequences make this one of the most memorable body horror movies ever made.

1 day ago

fantastic movie

3 days ago

Fantastic, will be recommending this to many people.

3 days ago

An incredibly original take on a demonic possession film. Definitely a must watch for any fan of a bleak and gory experience.

4 days ago

Absolutely incredible film. So many horrifying scenes that stick with you long after the film is finished. Definitely worth a watch!

1 week ago