Directed by Jay Cheel, Jordan Downey, Virat Pal, Justin Martinez, Christian Long, Justin Long, Kate Siegel
Six new bloodcurdling tapes place horror at the forefront of a sci-fi-inspired hellscape.
Six new bloodcurdling tapes place horror at the forefront of a sci-fi-inspired hellscape.
Cast: Thom Hallum, Dane DiLiegro, Namrata Sheth, Ashwin Mushran, Bobby Slaski, Libby Letlow, Alanah Pearce
Member Reviews
This is good for burning time or as something in the background. Worth skimming though for the 2 segments i actaully enjoyed.
I have mixed feelings with this one. I've watched all V/H/S movies and this one is not as good as the others.
Almost as good as the first one.
The first clip was cool, the rest were kindda lame kept looking to check the time to see if the movie was almost over.
I thought this one was really good,the Japanense segmeant is one of my favorites in the whole franchise