Tombs of the Blind Dead
Directed by Amando de Ossorio
A group of friends revive a group of Satan-worshipping zombies who hunt by sound in the first of Spanish horror auteur Amando de Ossorio's Blind Dead films. In the 13th century an order of evil knights sought eternal life by drinking human blood and committing sacrifices. During their execution, crows pecked out each of their eyes. But this wouldn't be a horror movie unless some unsuspecting nudniks stumbled on their tombs and woke them up, leading to a gripping, gruesome chain of events that'll make you wish your own sense of sight wasn't quite so intact.
A group of friends revive a group of Satan-worshipping zombies who hunt by sound.
Cast: Lone Fleming, Cesar Burner, Maria Elena Arpon
Member Reviews
Hooded Menace
Oh God. . Now they have a train! A train is way faster than a horse!
Another Shudder favorite to spam on the Slashics channel, this one features skeletons in full body armor, moving around as if they never died, apparently trying to suckle the blood of virgins because I guess that's what they've always done. Did not find the movie interesting, and the "final girl" was just annoying in my opinion!
complete shite
Really not half bad, particularly for an Iberian effort of its distinct and occasionally aromatic vintage. Somewhere are saying that they thought the end sequence was funny or cheesy… I don’t know about that. I found it pretty horrific in both its implication and its execution, personally. It reminded me of the final moments of Night of the Living Dead,