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The Wolfman

The Wolfman

Directed by Joe Johnston

A haunted nobleman is lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes. Reunited with his estranged father, he sets out to find his brother...and discovers a horrifying destiny.

A haunted nobleman is lured back to his family estate.

Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving, Geraldine Chaplin, Art Malik

Member Reviews

This was a really solid remake. I really enjoyed the action in this movie. Surprisingly violent with some really solid kills. Benicio Del Toro chews on the scenery he's truly fantastic.

3 weeks ago

I saw this in theaters on release. I came back to see if it changed in my mind. Nope. I thought it was humdrum then and I still do. Benicio DelToro has done things I love but this is as flat and dull as possible. The ‘twist’ was obvious. The story plodded along and the ‘gore’ was over done for shock value (but there was none). If you have time to kill, watch it. If you want a good movie…move along.

1 month ago

Solid remake of a great movie

1 month ago

Very decent remake it was ok at best but worth the watch.

1 month ago

i quite enjoyed this retelling. I enjoyed the elements that were present from the original film, while they were able to expound up on it in greater detail.

1 month ago