The Velvet Vampire
Directed by Stephanie Rothman
A married couple are invited to the desert home of bisexual female vampire Diane LeFanu, not realizing she’s a centuries-old bloodsucker keen on adding them both to her stable of lovers. Female vampires who swing both ways have been a staple of the genre since Sheridan LeFanu’s “Carmilla” and 1936’s DRACULA’S DAUGHTER. But THE VELVET VAMPIRE stands out for being one of the few such tales directed by a woman, in this instance cult director Stephanie Rothman (TERMINAL ISLAND) who mixes gauzy erotic dream sequences, comedy and nightmarish neck-biting in very fun fashion.
A married couple are invited to the desert home of a bisexual female vampire.
Cast: Michael Blodgett, Sherry E. DeBoer, Celeste Yarnall
Member Reviews
Drive my dune buggy.
I liked this. It's not especially scary but it's a good watch.
What happened to dune buggies? You never see them anymore. This movie also has a vampire in it, a vampire so dedicated to the thrill of the hunt that she’s willing to take the bus.
It was good. The chase scene was probably the worst part. Everything else was pretty good. Very sexual and surreal movie. Nice cinematography. Characters were good. Story was decent.
Sucked, no pun intended. One of those movies where the end of the movie undoes everything you saw for the last 90 moves. But one star for each topless women. Even though the movie was garbage, it had some nice eye candy.