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The Tunnel

The Tunnel

Directed by Carlo Ledesma

Investigative journalist Natasha Warner leads a crew of four into an underground labyrinth.

Natasha leads a crew of four into an underground labyrinth.

Cast: Andy Rodoreda, Bel Deliá, Luke Arnold, Steve Davis

Member Reviews

Awesome movie

2 days ago

This movie is good! The monsters creepy, the scares got me, but it does have faults. 1: the female lead (Natasha) is an UNBEARABLE character. She’s selfish, annoying and hysterical at the cost of her friends’ lives. I was so annoyed by her that I was rooting for the monster to kill her. 2: the pacing seriously suffers in parts. They spend the first 30 minutes setting up relationships and backstory, most of which ends up being useless, and it takes longer still to actually get into the horror. Otherwise, this film was pretty good!

4 days ago

Still holds up 17 years later. Looks like a real 4 Corners report that could be on the ABC tomorrow. Extremely underrated Aussie horror.

3 weeks ago

It actually takes 30 minutes for them to even enter the tunnels. Most boring, worthless opening ever. We all hate Natasha. She's a stupid, emotionally unstable and selfish protagonist. All the protagonists are hateable but Natasha is by far the worst. The only non-hateable one is named "Tangles", so I hate him anyway. Also the movie spoils you on who survives and who doesn't because it decided to be a mockumentary instead of just a found footage film. The monster is the most likeable character. He is genuinely terrifying and the scares are amazing. The good things of this movie are amazing and the bad things are horrible

1 month ago

Starts pretty slow but once you’re in “the tunnel” the anxiety ramps up. It’s subtle but fun. Not bad.

1 month ago