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The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie

The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie

Directed by Lloyd Kaufman, Michael Herz

Toxie finds he has nothing to do as a superhero, as he has ridden his city of evil. He decides to go to work for a major corporation.

Toxie decides to go to work for a major corporation.

Cast: Ron Fazio, Phoebe Legere, John Altamura, Rick Collins

Member Reviews

4th best Toxie movie.

1 month ago

I’ve found religion recently and this movie really touched me. Check this out if you liked the previous 2

4 months ago

This movie is very boring, finding it even longer than the second movie and worse, while I like B movies. I hope the 4th movie will be better to save what's left of this franchise, having a good first movie.

4 months ago

Toxie 2 and 3 were originally gonna be one movie. While 2 almost gets away with the split into two features, 3 really suffers from all the padding. One good scene and a few scattered laughs, but mostly this a chore to sit through.

6 months ago


6 months ago