The Third Saturday in October Part V
Directed by Jay Burleson
Unstoppable killer Jakkariah "Jack" Harding is back in town after seven years.
Unstoppable killer Jakkariah "Jack" Harding is back in town.
Cast: Darius Willis, Kansas Bowling, K.J. Baker, Poppy Cunningham
Member Reviews
funny, even though I'm not going to watch it again.
Fun commitment to the period (seems more late 80s than 90s aside from the one girl) but less immersive than the first one due to the more over the top self-awareness/irony
After the first The third Saturday in October, I thought wow, how can they possibly top this. Then before I knew it they did it again with the second The Third Saturday in October. Now, you'd think after the first two films the story would've wrapped up nicely, until out of nowhere the third The Third Saturday in October showed us this wasn't the end and to my surprise they weren't finished and dropped the fourth The Third Saturday in October. Now, the last thing I'd think to grace my search would be the a fifth The Third Saturday in October but here we are and I'm all here for it
Worse than the first. Dull, boring, badly written. Don’t waste your time.
All over the place. I dont think this movie knows what it wants to be. Its trying to satire slashers but too broadly. Its supposed to be 1994, but I really cant be immersed in it, because its set in the 90s, filmed like the 80s, with stuff looking like the 70s. Anyways. The movie HAS production value. We have some decent f/x and scenes in actual locations like a diner and hospital. But the mask for the killer looks so amateurish. Scenes looks like short films by college kids uploaded on youtube but then theres actually decently filmed shots. the actors do a decent job, everyone is underwritten besides the 2 sisters.