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The Passenger

The Passenger

Directed by Raul Cerezo, Fernando Gonzalez

A group of strangers sharing a ride decide to help an injured woman, but strange things begin happening and the fight for their lives begins.

A group fight for their lives after helping an injured hiker

Cast: Ramiro Blas, Cecilia Suarez, Paula Gallego, Cristina Alcazar

Member Reviews

so bad.

2 weeks ago

It was enough fun to hold my interest without ever reaching great heights. Worth a watch on a lazy afternoon.

1 month ago

Not funny enough to be a comedy. Not scary enough to be a horror. Not tense enough to be a thriller. . . What was it? Not 4 stars thats for sure.

1 month ago

I freaking loved this film,cast,performances,cinematography,pacing & effects were all top-notch,& it has entered the hallowed echelons of other favourite spainish offerings such as Juan of the Dead,Where Evil Dwells & Night of the Virgin👌Everyone has a right to their opinion, as everyone else has a right to consider those opinions ill-conceived & ridiculous. Personally,I think a cinematic universe without the existence of morally dubious characters would be boring as all hell,I would rather be given the chance to see a character develop & redeem themselves,or indeed not. As for those who bemoan subtitled world cinema,learn to read & then you won't miss out on the nuances of the actor who actually went to the effort of turning up & doing their job🤔🙄

2 months ago

what a fun movie

3 months ago