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The New York Ripper

The New York Ripper

Directed by Lucio Fulci

A killer who talks like Donald Duck targets sexually active New York women, brutalizing them in increasingly twisted ways. Now It’s up to Lieutenant Williams, who knows plenty about vice, to catch the deadly Disney enthusiast. Of course, this being a Lucio Fulci film, every step closer results in dismemberment, disemboweling and death. Set in the heydey of sleazy 1980s Times Square, which was rife with adult shops, theaters, and clubs, Fulci’s sickening slasher inspired an orgy of outrage and censorship. But, um, you’re over 18, right?

A killer who talks like Donald Duck targets sexually active New York women.

Cast: Jack Hedley, Almanta Suska, Howard Ross

Member Reviews

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2 weeks ago

The quacking was very annoying. Decent film aside from that.

4 weeks ago

First of all I did not expect to be the killer who it was. I think this was a really good film and kills for its time. The story line made me interested in who the killer was and I give it 3 skulls. Its not the best film I ever seen but it wasn't the worst.

1 month ago

First of all I did not expect the killer to be who I thought it was until the end. I think it was a good mystery film and good kills for the time this movie was made. I was interested in who the killer was. I give this film a 3 skull rating. Its not the best film I have ever watched but its up there and really good for its time!

1 month ago

More gorehound garbage from Fulci, redeemed only by some neat gruesome effects and the enduring snapshot of New York City at its sleazy peak.

2 months ago