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The Jester

The Jester

Directed by Colin Krawchuk

A malevolent being known as The Jester terrorizes a small town on Halloween night, including two estranged sisters who must come together to find a way to defeat this evil entity.

A malevolent being terrorizes a small town on Halloween.

Cast: Matt Servitto, Lelia Symington, Delaney White, Riley Mae Collins, Mary Jane Pentony, Lena Janes, Mia Roberts, Michael Sheffield, Sam Lukowski, Emmanuel Kerry, Dan DeLuca, Cory Okouchi, Jenna Hellmuth

Member Reviews

Fun film

2 days ago

I appreciate the low-budget approach to accessible, gateway horror (yes, this one can probably be shown to pre-teens and stalwart kids) but this was poorly paced and that made it hard to enjoy.

1 week ago

It is different than your average horror movie. It takes directions that explore depression, regrets, and facing those head on. It has twisted moments of macabre humor, and is enjoyable. Some portions can be slow paced, but for intermediate horror fans looking for something a bit more unique than a typical slasher, its pretty good.

1 week ago

it was "ok". not really scary but it was different, I'll give it that. not sure I'll ever watch again but glad i gave it a watch at least once.

2 weeks ago

I have seen worse. I have seen better. I would place it as a top tier B movie. The villain was great, the kill scenes where comically done in a good way that fit the villains persona. However, the other actors it just felt monotoned. Plot and story were okay. I get what they were going for just feels like they could have done a better job of it. Overall I am giving it a 3 out of 5 mainly cause I loved the villain and thought the best scenes all revolved around him.

3 weeks ago