The Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence
Directed by Tom Six
500 prisoners, one body: the world's most deranged medical experiment reaches new heights in this final installment of the notoriously shocking trilogy. Stars Eric Roberts & Dieter Laser.
A sadistic warden plots to suture 500 prisoners together.
Cast: Eric Roberts, Dieter Laser, Laurence R. Harvey
Member Reviews
I’m giving this movie infected trash
Where do I begin? I really fucking hate this movie with a burning fucking passion. I can’t believe I wasted two hours of my really good day watching this piece of shit right after watching that brilliant fucking movie called the packed. I mean human centipede should’ve never been a trilogy. It should’ve never been even fucking made to begin with Fuck this movie. I’m not buying this movie on shout fucking factory. now I’m gonna watch a better fucking movie than this pile of shit.
So I watched the other two and by far saying this is worst of the three is saying something. This was pretty unbelievable in every aspect of a movie. In all honesty I had watched this before but I know I erased it from my memory. This is a garbage of a film, you’re not missing anything by not watching this. It’s worst than you think it is
becomes a parody. which is somewhat what they were going for but the tone shift and writing just sinks it for me.
yaaa with the guy below. This is so trashy and dumb, silly. But man it was a fun watch! want some silly shit, this is it