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The Friendship Game

The Friendship Game

Directed by Scooter Corkle

A group of teenagers in a small town discover a strange object that tests the strength of their friendship.

Teenagers discover an object that tests their friendship.

Cast: Peyton List, Brendan Meyer, Kelcey Mawema, Kaitlyn Santa Juana, Dylan Schombing

Member Reviews

Timeline was a bit hard to follow and the ending really wasn't great. Really not a good movie in my opinion

1 week ago

ugh redo i guess. it posted before i wanted it to! Sooo back to the review.... I have seen better movies with this type of premise! The acting was not the best. story line kind of flatlined. just didnt flow well. wont watch again.

1 month ago

ive seen better movies with this type of premise! Could have done much better. acting wasnt the best, stort lind

1 month ago

a unique story, fun to watch

1 month ago

Not a vibe

2 months ago