The Devil's Rejects
Directed by Rob Zombie
A family of murderous maniacs are pursued by a violent sheriff in Rob Zombie’s brutal sequel to HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES. When the Firefly’s home is raided, three members escape. Enraged over the murder of his brother, Sheriff Wydell hires bounty hunters to track the clan down, leading to mayhem and murder across state lines. Eager to improve on his maligned debut, Zombie enlisted the greatest horror icons of all time (including Karen Black, Danny Trejo and Ken Foree) and an ace documentary cameraman to bring fury and precision to his screwed-up story. Essential Zombie. Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.
A family of murderous maniacs are pursued by a violent sheriff and his henchmen.
Cast: Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Sheri Moon Zombie, Ken Foree, Matthew McGrory, William Forsythe, E.G. Daily
Member Reviews
A fantastic change of pace from the first film. I like to look at it like House of 1,000 corpses was the world how all these crazy people see it and Devil's Rejects is them getting knocked out of their fantasy world.
My first Rob Zombie movie. A bit more gore than I typically like but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Great casting - you end up enjoying these messed up characters. Epic final scene.
No Dr. Satan, no scares, unneeded scenes at the motel, and silly decisions near the end just killed the rating on this one for me. The music is the only thing saving it from a 1.
I would have enjoyed this one much more without some of the things from the motel scene as well as some ridiculous decisions by the cop near the end which reminded me of bond-villian level stupidity. But what really brings this one down a notch is no Dr. Evil. He was the coolest one in the first film.
It is good but trashy and depraved it's been so long since I've seen it but it did have me scared so kudos.