The Devil's Doorway
Directed by Aislinn Clarke
In 1960, two priests are sent to investigate a miracle in an Irish home for unwed mothers only to discover that one of the residents is possessed by the devil.
An unwed mother is possessed by the devil.
Cast: Lalor Roddy, Ciaran Flynn, Helena Bereen, Lauren Coe
Member Reviews
Amazing. I really thought the scares were great. The story was good as well. I was genuinely scared at some points. . the scared that makes you want to turn the volume down and make you look away. I rarely feel that from horror movies anymore.
someone get these guys a budget! unfortunately there were many issues here but i feel that's mostly down to the extremely, extremely low budget they were working with. I'd love to see what they're capable of with a bigger budget. concept was very strong.
pretty good but jumpscares were pretty lame
This was exactly the movie I wanted to see after reading the limited summary. I'm a big fan of both historical horror and found footage, and this really hit just right. I liked the premise, and I feel the film would have been elevated by showing more of the mistreatment and degradation of the residents, but I also understand not wanting to make it spectacle. Pacing was also a little off, but overall, I enjoyed very much.
Some decent scares, but this film fell flat for me. Not a fan of CGI ghost kids, shaky-cams, and the decisions made by the main protagonists weren't at all believable to me; I mean, I don't know how easy it would be given the period to review the footage, but you'd think they'd do so to see if any of the strange activity was caught on camera. Or, you know, get a doctor there sooner. And the weird "blinking" camera effect - I realize it was supposed to be a light going out, but it looked like we were seeing through the priest's POV, moistening eyeballs and all.