Directed by Arseniy Sukhin
The Kola Superdeep borehole is the largest Russian secret facility. In 1984, at the depth of more than 7 miles below the surface, unexplained sounds were recorded, resembling the screams and moans of numerous people. Since these events, the object has been closed. A small research team of scientists and military personnel go down below the surface to find the secret hidden these many decades. What they discover will pose the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.
A Russian research team go below the Earth's surface. What they discover will pose the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.
Cast: Milena Radulovic, Nikita Dyuvbanov, Kirill Kovbas, Vadim Demchog, Sergey Ivanyuk
Member Reviews
i fell asleep
love this movie, wish i could watch with original russian tho
Nothing makes any sense, the editing is bad, the script is mediocre at best, but I gave it 1/5 because the sets and special effects were okay.
Great movie! It reminded me of classics like That and Alien. Throughout the entire story it kept building up keeping suspension. Terrific use of sound and silence. It kept me on the edge of my seat all the way. Excellent cinematography.
Pretty boring. Cool ideas, but lackluster