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Directed by Kyle Edward Ball

Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished. To cope with the strange situation, the two bring pillows and blankets to the living room and settle into a quiet slumber party situation. They play well worn videotapes of cartoons to fill the silence of the house and distract from the frightening and inexplicable situation. All the while in the hopes that eventually some grown-ups will come to rescue them. However, after a while it becomes clear that something is watching over them. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing, and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished.

Cast: Lucas Paul, Dali Rose Tetreault, Ross Paul, Jaime Hill

Member Reviews

not everyone’s favorite, but it’s mine! you will love it if you’re a fan of youtube style analog horror; if you don’t like a slow burn, then skip it.

3 hours ago

Pretty unnerving flick. Not a fan of everything being offscreen, but dug the story it told, with so little.

8 hours ago

Wow, definitely a divisive film, and I can see why! At this point I think many of us know about the one big scare in this movie, and it is definitely executed well. Besides that, the ambiance and abstract way the story is told doesn’t really grab me. While I can respect it for what it is, it really could have been 20-35 minutes long and accomplished the same thing.

2 days ago

I just can’t respect a film that needs me to watch at night, constant engagement with the screen, (at nothing and for nothing) with ear phones, for it to be scary.. I could give this a two or at least a three but the film has zero rewatch ability, I tried and can’t do it. I can definitely see what they were going for but the fact that this is over 90mins. So so sorry, but nah mate

6 days ago

Most boring movie ever, could’ve been a nice as a short film.

1 week ago