Directed by Alice Lowe
A pitch black, wryly British comedy from the mind of Alice Lowe (SIGHTSEERS), PREVENGE follows Ruth, a pregnant woman on a killing spree that’s as funny as it is vicious. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father. The child speaks to Ruth from the womb, coaching her to lure and ultimately kill her unsuspecting victims. Struggling with her conscience, loneliness, and a strange strain of prepartum madness, Ruth must ultimately choose between redemption and destruction at the moment of motherhood. PREVENGE marks the directorial debut from Lowe, who is a true triple threat, writing, directing, and acting in the film during her own real-life pregnancy.
A pregnant woman sets out to get revenge on seven strangers in this British black comedy-slasher.
Cast: Alice Lowe, Gemma Whelan, Kate Dickie, Jo Hartley
Member Reviews
Hard to know what to say. Improbable and funny, definitely dark comedy.
Pretty good movie I could watch it again
Id say overall a good scary slasher type of movie a little silly. however i also like that they show what hospital nurse's do to expecting mothers in hospital as far as CPS/DCFS or child services go's. its messed up but it happen's alot especially in America. Hopefully one day they will make this ilegal for hospital nurses to make call's to CPS/DCFS family and children services unless there is actual proof of bio mother or baby having drug's in their system. pregnancy harmones should be an ilegal reason for the taking of a newborn child. unless the mother is a serial killer like this one in the movie! lol
Think "i spit on your grave", but BETTER!!
It was interesting I guess. Don’t love it don’t hate it.