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Noroi: The Curse

Noroi: The Curse

Directed by Koji Shiraishi

SADAKO VS. KAYAKO director Kôji Shiraishi helms this highly praised, riveting found-footage horror must-see. NOROI takes the form of a documentary by a prominent paranormal journalist named Kobayashi, who went missing shortly after completing it. What begins as an investigation into strange noises soon evolves into the chilling mystery of a demonic entity named Kagutaba, as suspense and terror build steadily to a heart-stopping finale.

A paranormal journalist explores a series of strange events that may be connected to an ancient demon.

Cast: Jin Muraki, Rio Kanno, Tomono Kuga

Member Reviews

Wow. That was one of the best horror movies i think ive honestly ever seen. I would love to see more with a deeper dive into the lore of the 'demon'. Maybe we will get a sequel in the future?

22 hours ago

Great movie

1 day ago

Creepy. Awesome storyline. Great intense ending. I really had fun with this one.

1 week ago

Paced perfectly with a bigger cast of characters than I expected, and a good story

2 weeks ago

Japan knows how to do horror, and this is top tier found footage horror. Yes it's long, but there's nothing in here that feels unnecessary or drawn out, it's just a slow burn paced properly. Recommended.

4 weeks ago