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Directed by Kjersti Helen Rasmussen

Mona and Robbie move into their first apartment when Mona starts experiencing horrible nightmares. As the bad dreams intensify, it is clear something is making its way into this world through Mona.

Mona and Robbie moves to a new apartment, when Mona starts experiencing horrible nightmares.

Cast: Eili Harboe, Herman Tømmeraas, Dennis Storhøi, Preben Hodneland, Gine Therese Grønner, Siri Black Ndiaye

Member Reviews

If you love nightmares, lucid dreaming stufff. . . Perfecto!

couture. c.
3 weeks ago

Great movie, the boyfriend really annoyed me, though! So unsupportive and judgmental

4 months ago


5 months ago

the real nightmare is your abortion going bad twice at the age of 25.

5 months ago

quite good-think Rosemary's Baby meets Nightmare on Elm Street

5 months ago