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My Bloody Valentine

My Bloody Valentine

Directed by George Mihalka

In this bloody slashic, a crazed miner returns with a pick in his hand and revenge in his heart.

In this bloody slashic, a crazed miner returns with a pick in his hand and revenge in his heart.

Cast: Paul Kelman, Lori Hallier, Neil Affleck, Don Francks

Member Reviews

Delightfully crappy. I enjoyed this far more than I should have.

2 weeks ago

probably one of my favorite pieces of media

3 weeks ago

classic slasher! i feel like this gets a bad rap for being by the numbers or nothing special, and it's not - however, it's worth a watch if you like 80s slashers and don't mind a movie that's a little formulaic. there's a surprising amount of character work and the setting and kills are fun. honestly the thing that pushes this from 3 stars to 4 for me is hollis. #1 die-hard hollis fan 4 life

3 weeks ago

It’s a great Valentines flick! A classic for sure and one of my top favorite slashers. Great decent kills and good acting

3 weeks ago

was hoping for the uncut version. still. . . good times 🎃

3 weeks ago