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Lake Bodom

Lake Bodom

Directed by Taneli Mustonen

Four teens get some scary surprises when they camp out at Finland’s Lake Bodom, the site of a grisly massacre back in 1960. With the killer still at large, the teens have plenty of time to theorize about who might really be responsible and if he’s still out there. Right on cue, when the kids tuck in, footsteps start approaching and a killer emerges. But though director Taneli Mustonen wants you to think you know where the story’s going, he’s got some very clever twists on deck that take the story in an even more shocking direction. A SHUDDER EXCLUSIVE.

Four teens get some scary surprises when they camp out at the site of a grisly massacre.

Cast: Mimosa Willamo, Tommi Korpela, Nelly Hirst-Gee

Member Reviews

I went into this with an open mind hoping for something different than the average slasher. I would say it was different and inventive, but too clever for its own good. Had it played the story straight forward it would likely be a better movie.

2 weeks ago

Better than it looks. A few handy twists.

4 weeks ago

Had a lot of twists to it which I liked. Great and believable acting.

1 month ago

It seems like this movie was fun to make, but the characters are just way too effing dumb. I can't watch them anymore! Maybe I'm starting to realize that horror movies are just bad, idfk. . .

1 month ago

nice twists although easily detected. good acting, and pretty enjoyable.

alinea. m.
1 month ago