Directed by Miguel Angel Vivas
A wealthy family struggle to survive when violent kidnappers break in one night and try to get them to hand over as much money as possible. Jaime, Marta and their daughter Isabel have just moved into a luxurious new house. But before they can turn in for the evening, three hooded men burst into the house, and start to torment them in fearsome fashion. Part of a recent wave of Spanish horror films that pull no punches in depicting extreme terror, KIDNAPPED could join home-invasion horror films THEM, YOU'RE NEXT, INSIDE and FUNNY GAMES in a brutal box-set. (Dubbed in English)
A wealthy family struggles to survive when violent kidnappers break in one night.
Cast: Fernando Cayo, Manuela Velles, Ana Wagener
Member Reviews
One skull bc it was just boring!
Whoa…I wasn’t expecting that! One of the best in the Home Invasion horror sub genre (top 5). Watch this now. . I promise you won’t regret it!
Funnier games.
Whoa—that was awful in every way, shape, and form. Avoid like the Bubonic Plague.
enough with the dubs