Found Footage 3D (2D VERSION)
Directed by Steven DeGennaro
When he's hired to document the behind-the-scenes action of the "the first 3D found-footage horror film," an aspiring filmmaker packs up his camera and travels with the film's crew to a creepy cabin in the woods. But when the fictional evil presence from their film begins appearing in his behind-the-scenes footage, he has to figure out how to stop it, or it just may find its way into the real world. Like Scream did for slashers, FF3D takes a found-footage horror movie and populates it with people who are aware of all of the rules, tricks, and clichés of the genre. A SHUDDER EXCLUSIVE. Contains strong language, sexual scenes, violence and gore.
Six filmmakers set out to make "the first 3D found-footage horror movie", but find themselves IN a found-footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes.
Cast: Carter Roy, Alena von Stroheim, Chris O'Brien, Tom Saporito, Scott Allen Perry, Jessica Perrin
Member Reviews
Better than I expected for sure. I kinda like how it was making fun of itself the whole time.
I enjoyed it more than I expected to! I’ve watched a LOT of FF, and this is definitely a bit creepier and more fun than others.
Actually pretty good. Sound guy is a legend.
So old !
it was so-so.