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Fatal Games

Fatal Games

Directed by Michael Elliot

A group of amazing athletes are systematically stalked and killed by a crazed, hoodie wearing psychopath.

A group of athletes are stalked and killed by a psychopath.

Cast: Sally Kirkland, Lynn Banashek, Sean Masterson, Michael O'Leary, Teal Roberts, Spice Williams-Crosby

Member Reviews

Not good at all

3 days ago

So awful in every way.

1 week ago

Not bad, but I love that 80 raw-ness. The story was slasher perfect but the explanation of why was whatever.

2 weeks ago

boobs, fuzzy peaches, and murder.. not a bad story. should do a remake. haha

3 weeks ago

It would’ve been okay, but then they tried to make it transphobic, and it didn’t even make sense why

3 weeks ago