Elvira's Haunted Hills
Directed by Sam Irvin
Spooky high jinks abound when Elvira finds herself spending the night in a mysterious castle en route to 1851 Paris.
Spooky high jinks abound when Elvira finds herself spending the night in a mysterious castle en route to 1851 Paris.
Cast: Cassandra Peterson, Richard O'Brien, Mary Scheer, Scott Atkinson
Member Reviews
Still cheesy like all of Elvira's movies and shows, but if it wasn't for her and her body, then none of them would be watchable. Still love her and everything she has done only because of her.
Elvira is synonymous of visual jokes, horror comedy and fun, so as a new user, this obviously had to be my first movie on the platform. Cassandra Peterson was born for this role and has known how to take advantage of it perfectly over the years. It is not the best movie in history but it is a great option to disconnect for a couple of hours. Long live Mistress of the Dark!
Elvira is synonymous of erotic-jokes, horror comedy and fun so as a new user on Shudder obviously this had to be my first movie on the platform. Cassandra Peterson has born for this role and she has known perfectly how to take advantage of it over the years. Not the best movie of history but a great option to disconnect for a couple of hours. Long live Elvira, comedy, and gothic necklines!
Elvira is synonymous of erotic-jokes, horror-comedy and fun so as a new user on Shudder obviously this had to be my first movie on the platform. Cassandra Peterson has born for this role and she has known perfectly how to take advantage of it over the years. Not the best movie of history but a great option to disconnect for a couple of hours. Long live Elvira, comedy, and gothic necklines!
This movie is so funny as & it’s fun.