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Dog Soldiers

Dog Soldiers

Directed by Neil Marshall

Sergeant Harry Wells leads a team of British soldiers on a routine expedition to the Scottish Highlands. The six men would rather be at home watching a game, but they are even more dismayed when a carcass lands on their campfire. The next morning, they happen upon a severely injured Captain Richard Ryan and the bloody remains of his squadron.

A team of British soldiers encounter a vicious monster in this modern werewolf gem.

Cast: Sean Pertwee, Kevin McKidd, Emma Cleasby

Member Reviews

Solid werewolf movie, doesn't take itself too seriously. Good stuff

1 week ago

Solid werewolf movie, good stuff

1 week ago


1 month ago

Good stuff

1 month ago

This a great war movie with werewolves, aside the camera work and action sequences, overall great werewolf movie! Let’s hope Hollywood doesn’t try rebooting this and turn it into a CGI mess

1 month ago