Directed by Joseph Winter, Vanessa Winter
Deadstream follows a disgraced internet personality who tries to win back his followers by livestreaming himself at an abandoned haunted house. When he accidentally unleashes a vengeful spirit, his comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL
In this audacious box of horrors, an internet personality tries to win back followers by livestreaming himself in a haunted house.
Cast: Joseph Winter, Melanie Stone
Member Reviews
I don't know if this movie was supposed to be funny or not, but I was laughing the whole time. It was great fun.
Clever, fun and some great make up. Loved the humkr
I liked this; it's worth a watch. There are funny moments, good jumpscares, and an interesting ending.
Not too bad.
some tense moments but it wasn't that funny