Directed by Joseph Winter, Vanessa Winter
Deadstream follows a disgraced internet personality who tries to win back his followers by livestreaming himself at an abandoned haunted house. When he accidentally unleashes a vengeful spirit, his comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL
In this audacious box of horrors, an internet personality tries to win back followers by livestreaming himself in a haunted house.
Cast: Joseph Winter, Melanie Stone
Member Reviews
Gave me OG Evil Dead vibes, great blend of horror and comedy on a budget
Great. Evil Dead meets an American Shaun of the Dead.
great movie 3rd watch, recommend!!!
I adore this movie. I'm laughing more than I'm getting scared but that's a good thing. A great parody on streamer culture and how desperate some of these guys get for views and on paranormal investigations in general. I can't recommend this movie enough.
campy but fun