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Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead

Directed by George Romero

After a zombie apocalypse, scientists attempt to reverse the reanimation process and train zombies to abstain from eating people. But this being one of George Romero's films, the scientists and military enforcers at the underground lab facility soon wind up in deep trouble. As with his previous two zombie films, Romero inserts a commentary on the decade it was made - the '80s - connecting the walking dead to the homeless, the poor and people with AIDS. Controversial on its release, DOTD later found a group of champions who consider it one of Romero's best.

After a zombie apocalypse, scientists attempt to reverse the reanimation process.

Cast: Lori Cardille, Terry Alexander, Joseph Pilato, Sherman Howard

Member Reviews


1 day ago

Romero's GOAT 🐐 And we get a Z good guy in this one which makes it unique.

1 week ago


1 week ago

my favorite george romero movie rip george romero

1 week ago

Hands down my favorite in the nickel plated pantheon that is the Romero's Dead series. Terrific performances, bleak plotting, infinitely quotable and special effects that elevated Tom Savini to legend status. Throw in a theme so memorable that Gorillaz ganked it for their debut album to serve as the basis of the track "M1 A1".

1 week ago