Directed by Sompote Sands
A beach vacation turns tragic when the family members of two doctors turn up dead. When the doctors determine a giant crocodile is responsible, they set out to destroy it.
A giant crocodile is killing and frightening the locals.
Cast: Nard Poowanai, Min Oo, Ni Tien
Member Reviews
It’s trash but it’s fun trash. Very entertaining. Unintentionally funny.
This one stinks like hot carnival garbage but I still kind of liked it. I watched the whole thing. A few unintentionally funny moments. 🐊🐊🐊
now i know what is death by crocodile induced whirlpool drownings. very Jawsy at times. crocodile's family life and hobbies go unmentioned.
If you wrote a film after eating Thai food that is way too spicy, that's this film!!!
The best parts of this movie are the live crocodile, miniature models, and the cheezy artificial crocodile. Everything else, the script, the acting, the dubbing, the sound, the editing, etc. This one is definitely a "Jaws" rip-off and it's not even done well. All I can say is I hope the creators of this mess expected nothing more than the Z-grade schlock that it turned out to be.