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Crazy Desires of a Murderer

Crazy Desires of a Murderer

Directed by Filippo Walter Ratti

A rich girl invites a few of her friends, including one she befriended during a recent trip to Asia, to her family manor to spend the weekend. Soon, someone gets horribly killed, and secrets and dark desires begin to unravel.

A rich girl invites a few of her friends to her family manor to spend the weekend. Soon, someone gets horribly killed, and secrets and dark desires begin to unravel.

Cast: Corrado Gaipa, Roberto Zattini, Isabelle Marchall

Member Reviews

Had to choose an italain movie to do a powerpoint on a movie of are choice. Picked this at random bc I like horror movies. Emailed my professor before watching it. Just watched it and now I need to present it tm morning. To late to change my choice. God help me.

2 months ago


2 months ago

It’s a fairly standard one-by-one murder with procedural investigation. But what makes this Giallo compelling though is the “crazy desires” — even if they come straight out of “Psycho” with a dash of Poe. I guessed the killer pretty early on, but there were enough complications to make me second guess my assumptions throughout. In fact the film does some nifty tricks.

2 months ago

it has everything you want from a giallo. a mystery, blood and breasts. interesting subplots and good characters. it is only available in italian but with subtitles but i think having to read the subtitles keeps you focused more on the movie anyway than distractions.

3 months ago

The acting is pretty awful. That’s what makes these films good though.

3 months ago