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Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker

Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker

Directed by William Asher

With her nephew Billy about to graduate, the obsessive Aunt Cheryl will go to murderous lengths to keep him all to herself. Featuring Susan Tyrrell in a fearless performance, BUTCHER, BAKER, NIGHTMARE MAKER (aka NIGHT WARNING) is a twisted cult gem that must be seen.

Billy's about to graduate, but Aunt Cheryl wants him all to herself in this twisted cult gem.

Cast: Jimmy McNichol, Susan Tyrrell, Bo Svenson

Member Reviews

Think this movie was banned in the 80s in the UK as a video nasty, so I went into it expecting the usual crap you got from a lot of those films. Occasionally you find a gem, most notably the couple of Argento ones the censors disliked, the Evil Dead etc, and this is definitely one of those gems. Much more suspenseful than I had expected, I'm really pleasantly surprised, and happy to cross another video nasty off the list! I am left wondering the reason behind it being banned since there was definitely more violent and sexually explicit stuff that was available, but maybe they did it a favour in the long run. . . .

1 month ago

So good and funny and a wonderful karmic end for ALL the bad guys. People aren't lying about Susan Tyrell's facial gestures and acting. The performance is one for the ages. She deserved an Oscar.

1 month ago

Susan Tyrell is incredible in this, would watch again for her facial expressions alone. I also really appreciate the defense of gay people (a very human and sympathetic portrayal within the coach character) and the ugliness & hypocrisy of the people calling gays "sick" or "deviate. " way to go early 80s!

2 months ago

This was the most stressful 94 minutes of my life, and I loved every second of it

ad15323. a.
3 months ago

This was the most stressful 94minutes of

ad15323. a.
3 months ago