Directed by Don Keeslar
Dynamite fishing in a rural swamp revives a prehistoric gill monster that must have the blood of human females in order to survive.
Dynamite fishing revives a prehistoric gill monster.
Cast: Gloria DeHaven, Aldo Ray, Marshall Thompson
Member Reviews
This is definitely a low quality old school monster movie, with an ugly monster and average acting, but the music and the lore of the monster that we discover as we unravel its mystery are well done, which makes the movie less bad than I thought and strangely captivated me.
Viewers get to write their own reviews? How fun! Wish I had something more favorable about "BOG", but it was kind of a murky mess. Mediocre swamp monster, bubbly bayou babes and some underwater photography make it fun. Rednecks goin' fishin' with sticks of dynamite and reanimate a dormant beast? Hmm. Atomic weapons testing in the Pacific ring a bell. Watchable stuff. Don't miss the beautiful song over the opening credits, "Walk With Me" by female vocalist Pat Hawkins. Kind of the lilting "Love Ballad Of BOG"! Thanks for the movie. Thanks for reading. Y'all enjoy.
Old school creature feature that reminds me of the schlock that used to run on television during my childhood. The two wives in the beginning make a strong case for avoiding marriage like the plague.
Such a strange film. It's like they had a script for a horny teen horror movie and cast a middle aged and older cast without adjusting the script a bit. And not just any old actors, but experienced actors. Gloria DeHaven, who was in a Thin Man film, Marshall Thompson's great WWII film, They Were Expendable, and Aldo Ray, a real Hollywood name from things like We're No Angels. So, we open with two couples going camping and talking about getting lucky, but it's married couples in their 30's or 40's. There's a fair deal of drinking in the film, particularly strange for law enforcement officials trying to protect the community from a cut-rate Creature from the Black Lagoon. Weirdest thing of all is that the creatures somehow need human women to mate. So why would it abduct a woman in her 50's? I guess it's just because she's the star of the film. Another great thing in the film is how the leads know people with precisely the most needed expertise. "Let's call John. If anyone can help us, it's John," says the doctor to the sheriff. John is a leading Ichthyologist. Who amongst us doesn't know a leading specialist in any scientific field on a first name basis. Best of all, the film does end with the treasured "The End....?"
Someone needs to flush this one down the bog.