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Bleed With Me

Bleed With Me

Directed by Amelia Moses

Bleed With Me is a psychological horror that explores the intersections of admiration, compulsion, and obsession. Rowan, a vulnerable outsider, is thrilled when the seemingly perfect Emily invites her on a winter getaway to an isolated cabin in the woods. Trust soon turns to paranoia when Rowan wakes up with mysterious incisions on her arm. Haunted by dream-like visions, Rowan starts to suspect that her friend is drugging her and stealing her blood. She’s paralzyed by the fear of losing Emily, but she must fight back before she loses her mind. Bleed With Me juxtaposes tenderness and violence in an investigation of female intimacy and dangerous codependency. A SHUDDER ORIGINAL.

During a winter getaway at an isolated cabin, a self-destructive young woman becomes convinced that her best friend is stealing her blood.

Cast: Lee Marshall, Lauren Beatty, Aris Tyros

Member Reviews

It had a lot of potential but didn't explain itself and didn't resolve.

1 week ago

Seriously weird and not in a good way. I want my time back.

1 month ago


1 month ago

It just leaves you feeling like you missed something. Possibly the point of the movie. So most are critical of the flat affect acting, but I honsetly feel like that's what they were told to do,...making their acting actually good. It's subtle, but that part was fine. I definitely wouldn't say any part of this movie was very scary, other than for Rowan, who seems to dance between being terrified of Emily and also being obsessed with her. Now, the movie does a great job at building the confusion of not knowing which character is the bad guy. But that's where the disappointment comes in because they still never really confirm anything. Sure, there's a fairly shocking surprise at the end, that does make you lean into Rowan being totally off her rocker But the fact remains, that fear could have instigated what she did, and all of what she saw and felt, still might have been real. Or then again, it might have all just been in her psychotic delusions. Seems like we'll never really know. Which was probably their goal, but it still falls flat and seems disappointing.

1 month ago

I don't know I like it but I seen later If I like it

2 months ago