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Beyond the Door III

Beyond the Door III

Directed by Jeff Kwitny

A coed and her friends go to Yugoslavia, where the Prince of Darkness wants her for his bride.

A coed and her friends go to Yugoslavia, where the Prince of Darkness wants her for his bride.

Cast: Mary Kohnert, Bo Svenson, Victoria Zinny, Savina Gersak

Member Reviews

Seems mostly about a runaway train.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Not bad,not great but i liked it much better than Beyond the door,although i dont think they are related.

2 months ago

Good. Reminds of good ole days of Blockbuster and VHS rentals.

3 months ago

despite it's many technical imperfections (a burning dummy passed off as a mute, terrified human for instance) and odd plot holes, i really love this film. such a good use of location. I first saw this on Joe Bob and I had one of those moments like where has this movie been all of my life.

4 months ago