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Bad Moon

Bad Moon

Directed by Eric Red

After surviving a brutal attack by a mysterious creature in Nepal, Ted moves closer to family to recover. Too bad he's starting to realize the truth. Ted was attacked by a werewolf is helpless to stop his transformation.

Full, crescent, quarter... each is a Bad Moon for werewolf, Ted Harrison.

Cast: Michael Pare, Mason Gamble, Mariel Hemingway, Ken Pogue

Member Reviews

simple. bracing. fun

5 days ago

Thor is a very good boy.

1 week ago

An oldie, but a goodie!!

3 weeks ago

Not all hero’s walk on two legs

4 weeks ago

Good Flick! So touching with the Dog! Lol 😆 man’s best friend! It could have been a little better but all in all, it was a good watch.

1 month ago