Directed by Iván Zulueta
Horror director José's reclusive bubble is popped by a sudden reappearance from a junkie ex-girlfriend and a package from a troubled friend. This cult film is the final word on cinemania.
José's bubble is popped by a package from a troubled friend.
Cast: Eusebio Poncela, Cecilia Roth, Will More, Helena Fernan-Gomez, Marta Fernandez Muro
Member Reviews
A strange film to say the least. I'm not a person that understands art house films. It seemed to draw some connection between why the characters take drugs and also obsess over a strange film making style's. But that's about as far as I got. Too abstract for me to get anything out of it, and I liked eraser head. So take that how you will. Maybe I'm overthinking the film.
A strange film to say the least. I'm not a person that understands art house films. It seemed to draw some connection between why the characters take drugs and also obsess over a strange film making style's. But that's about as far as I got. Too abstract for me to get anything out of it, and I liked eraser head. So take that how you will. Maybe I'm overthinking the film.
Rapture is a wacky masterpiece when it comes to music and sound design, but couldn’t connect to me anywhere else. It’s probably about filmmaking… I guess, in so much as this kind of punk filmmaking is ever about anything.
this is fascinating! i have never seen anything quite like it. the things it does with time are interesting. sections are powerfully inertial, a sort of shepherd's tone of sequences which flow into one another. then once the central mystery begins, motion is completely gone. it captures the feeling of episodes of psychosis extremely well, without feeling like it's making a spectacle of it in the slightest. the phrase 'We have never found out why, / nor ever who he was...' repeating throughout the subtitles is a remarkable addition to the film.
Sincerely one of my favorite movies of all time. Completely beautiful and eerie and sad.