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Argento's Dracula

Argento's Dracula

Directed by Dario Argento

Italian horror maestro Dario Argento puts his own gory spin on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the most famous horror novel of all time. While remaining mostly faithful to the book’s plot, about Dracula’s quest to woo Mina, the reincarnation of his long-dead love, Argento offers additions that up the gore and scare factors in unique ways. Argento’s long-suffering leading lady - his daughter Asia - plays Mina’s friend Lucy, who falls under Drac’s spell, while horror icon Rutger Hauer (BLADE RUNNER, THE HITCHER) is stellar as Van Helsing, the Count’s powerful nemesis.

Italian horror maestro Dario Argento puts his own gory spin on Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Cast: Rutger Hauer, Asia Argento, Thomas Kretschmann

Member Reviews

better than expected

1 month ago

Interesting! I wanted to turn it off because it was slow but ended up watching the whole thing. I think you have to be a Dracula fan to understand it. It’s like hammer films, Werner herzog, Coppola etc all mixed together for his unique take. If you have seen all these you’ll know the special effects are wierd on purpose. I think Hammer films is the largest influence. A good film I enjoyed it.

4 months ago

Not Argento's best work in my opinion, but I still love the feeling he tried to bring. Could've given more budget to CGI, but otherwise it fits his style very well.

4 months ago

To me, there's nothing that ruins a movie quicker than piss-poor CGI effects. I don't care for movies with heavy CGI effects to begin with. It's no excuse that this was made in 2012-13. This would be considered bad CGI for even the 90s! Sorry, but not even increased resolution on an LCD tv with above average sharpness and clarity can do it justice. An extra skull for the non-CGI boobies!

4 months ago

Never thought I'd be depressed watching a Dracula movie, but it's sad seeing such a talented filmmaker fall so hard. How the hell did those effects get approved?!

4 months ago